

Hello and thanks for being here. I am a Professional Astrologer & Tarot Reader with various offerings available for your different needs. Primarily, I use Astrology to help you, help yourself. Astrology functions as a map of your life from birth to death. It can guide you through the different phases of your growth and cycles of changes. It can serve as a practical tool for the decisions you have to make. It can help you plan out your days, months, and years. It can serve as a supportive structure for mindful living. It can illuminate your relationship dynamics. It can help you move forward from a place of connection. Astrology can help you make meaning out of the joys and pains of being human. It can show you your thresholds and ways through healing. Astrology and Tarot are ancient divination practices that provide answers to your questions. Contact me to learn how.

Warzone the wanted download link. Astrology is a fascinating topic that supports the universalbelief that we are part of a greater ALL that includes the Universe(s)around us, made up of galaxies, star systems, black holes, super novas, lightand dark matter, space junk and a whole lot more that we know very little about. Surrounded by the enormity of space, within amedium-sized galaxy, located on the third planet from a small Sun in aplanetary system on a peripheral arm of our spiraling Milky Way Galaxy, ourobservant ancestors across the globe watched the heavens with deep interest,noting correlations between the “moving stars” (now known as planets andasteroids) and the conditions that they experienced here on Earth.

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Using astrology as your guide, I can help you with love, relationships, career, health, and happiness. Let me show you how to navigate the influences of the planets and stars as they relate to your unique astrological birth chart, so you can make the most of your life by taking advantage of the opportunities that are all around you. Search this website for any words or phrases. I am often asked by professional astrologers which software I would recommend to them. While, in fact, different programs will meet the needs of specific astrologers, which is why I enjoy guiding them to the right programs, Solar Fire is so well designed and has so many features that - unless astrologers are looking for in-depth. You can send a message, request an appointment for a reading or submit an inquiry here. We will get back to you as soon as possible! Astrology Advocate™️ Astrology Advocate™️ Astrology Advocate™️ Astrology Advocate™️.

Thus, the beginnings of Astrology were initiated by tribesthat dwelt under those stars and cultures that carefully observed and measuredstar movements throughout generations, across continents, and over centuries.Studying the stars may be older than any other known science, which should lenda certain legitimacy to the Art of Star Forecasting. And yet in more moderntimes, Astrology has had to fight for respectability as its popularity hasrisen and fallen across the Ages.

Astrology is based on the interactions between the planets (and asteroids) rotating our Sun, the fixed stars that can be seen in space around our galactic location, and the “star template” under which we were born. Thanks to our astrologically minded ancestors, who observed the effects the “star movements” had on their lives and civilizations, the foundations for Modern Astrology have been well laid.

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Batman arkham city ps3 game save download. Civics unit 8mr volkmars course pages. Nonetheless, this “art-science” continues to evolve to this day with new discoveries, theories and instruments. What Astrology can tell us about ourselves and our relationships with others and the world around us, is quite amazing! If this website can encourage the sharing of Astrological knowledge and expand your understanding of how to apply it in your lives, then our mission will be furthered.

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