Child And Adolescent Psychology

  • The purpose of adolescence is for a child to psychologically and socially transform into a young adult. Breaking from their childhood attachment and security allows children to acquire.
  • The book I adopted was Alan Carr's The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach, Third Edition. The text is amazingly comprehensive at over 1000 pages.
Child And Adolescent Psychology

Clinical child and adolescent psychology is a specialty in professional psychology that develops and applies scientific knowledge to the delivery of psychological services to infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents within their social context.

Help children and young people with a Master’s in Child and Adolescent Psychology. This course is ideal if you are interested in careers working with children and young people. You will gain an in-depth understanding of current issues in child and adolescent psychology and learn to apply this theory to real-life settings by undertaking a.

Specialized knowledge

Of particular importance to the specialty of clinical child and adolescent psychology is an understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents, and how the family and other social contexts influence the socio-emotional adjustment, developmental processes, mental and behavioral disorders and developmental psychopathology, behavioral adaptation, and health status of children and adolescents.

Problems addressed

The specialty of clinical child and adolescent psychology involves the study, assessment, and treatment of a wide range of interrelated biological, psychological, and social problems experienced by children and adolescents. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Treating psychological, cognitive, emotional, developmental, behavioral issues.
  • Biological vulnerabilities.
  • Behavioral, psychologial, mental, emotional, developmental, and family problems.
  • Cognitive deficits.
  • Trauma and loss.
  • Health related problems.
  • Stress and coping related to developmental change.
  • Problems in social context.

Populations served

Clinical child and adolescent psychology involves research and service delivery for infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents displaying a variety of psychological, behavioral, developmental, academic, family, peer, and health-related difficulties in a variety of settings.


Skills and procedures utilized

Clinical child and adolescent psychology employs a wide range of procedures and skills addressing the population of infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents. Essential skills and procedures include:

  • Assessment (e.g., psychological, intellectual, cognitive, behavioral testing and evaluation).
  • Intervention (e.g., psychotherapy and behavior management).
  • Development of prevention programs (e.g., bullying, addictions, teen pregnancy, obesity).
  • Consultation with other professionals working with children.
  • Design and utilization of research.
Last updated: August 2020Date created: December 2005

The master's specialisation Child and Adolescent Psychology offers intensive studies in developmental psychopathology.

Saffron Ennis

Former Child & Adolescent Psychology student

The program offers a unique integration of theoretical and practical learning; the former is facilitated by world-class lecturers and the latter through direct work with children and adolescents.

I completed the Child and Adolescent Master’s Specialization in August 2017 and can thoroughly recommend it to prospective candidates considering postgraduate study. Participating in this program enriched my understanding of the developmental psychology field and sharpened both my interpersonal and intervention skills for psychological work with youth. Through the wealth of practical experience I gained across the past academic year, I have developed a keen awareness of the importance of creating a collaborative working relationship and developmentally tailoring interventions for children and adolescents. The program further broadened my professional interest in children and education, and it was an experience never to be forgotten.


Cristina García van Nood

Child And Adolescent Psychology Salary


'I am from Spain but ended up studying in Leiden University after talking to a friend who went to study there. It took me very little to make the application as I had always loved the idea of studying abroad. Not only for the adventure, but also because I wanted to connect with the 'Dutchie' that lived inside of me since my mother is Dutch. It turned out Leiden was the perfect city for my dream.'

'The whole experience was very enriching in both my personal life and in my professional side. The master specialisation in Children and Adolescent Pscyhology gave me very useful tools to start working with kids both in Spanish and English. Having an international degree with a good English level really helped me in my professional journey back in Spain. Also, I still treasure the friendship that was born with my classmates. '

Child And Adolescent Psychology

What does this master's programme entail?

The mission of the ‘Child and Adolescent Psychology’ programme is to facilitate children’s and adolescents’ optimal development. We do this by empowering students to then empower young people to successfully negotiate the hurdles inherent to development. This requires accounting for the young person’s family and school contexts and the other contexts in which they live (e.g., culture and free time). In pursuing this mission, we focus on the following:

Child And Adolescent Psychology Job Description

  • Building students’ knowledge and skills, as well as a professional and scientific attitude, based on a strong theoretical background and real-life practice.
  • Fostering student’s understanding of the transactions between young people, the systems around them, and the helping professional.
  • Helping students stay informed about new developments in the field.
  • Responding to each student’s needs by providing diverse solutions for academic and practical challenges, via individual mentoring.
  • Ensuring that students wishing to enter the Mental Health (GZ) or School Psychologist post-Master’s programs are eligible.

The programme offers intensive courses in understanding, assessing, and treating the wide range of psychological and educational difficulties that may be experienced by young people.

Students can orient their study programme towards work with young people in clinical and/or educational settings.

Reasons to choose Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

  • You will receive personal guidance within the master specialisation and you will have a mentor who will help you with choices and progress.
  • You will acquire sound knowledge, but you will also be trained in practical skills in the intensive courses that we offer.
  • If you finish this master specialisation succesfully, you will be able to investigate, treat and make a connection with children with psychological and educational issues. Besides, you are also an expert in the field of normal development of children and youngsters; which makes you part of a dynamic group who holds our future in their hands.

Read more about Why Leiden University?

Child and Adolescent Psychology: the right programme for you?

Child and Adolescent Psychology could be the right programme for you if you would like to learn:

  • about theoretical models of social-emotional and cognitive development and the interplay of risk and protective factors in atypical development;
  • about ways to differentiate atypical from typical development and the use of classification systems of childhood disorders;
  • how to carry out intelligence assessment with a child or adolescent;
  • how to deliver behavioural training to a child;
  • how to deliver cognitive therapy to an adolescent and/or solution-focused therapy with small groups of children;
  • to choose and apply the most appropriate intervention strategy for each problem area

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